3326 Watters Rd. Bldg D, Pasadena, TX, 77504

Childhood Obesity

Childhood Obesity

Unfortunately, being overweight is a common health crisis in the United States. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, as many as one in five children and one in three adults are obese. If your child's weight has increased and you need help with intervention, bring your child in for an appointment with a pediatrician. Dr. Aldo Bejarano is a caring doctor who can provide intervention for childhood obesity in Pasadena, TX, when you visit AFB Pediatrics.

When Is a Child Considered Obese

Depending on your child's age, height, and sex, there is a healthy range they should fall into for healthy development. Your pediatricians follow a growth chart that determines where your child’s weight fits. However, if the weight is above this healthy range and they have a body mass index/BMI at or above the 85th and 95th percentile of their demographic,  the child is overweight.

What Causes Excess Weight in Children

Some children may be more susceptible to it due to heredity. Lifestyle is usually the main culprit, as children who are mostly sedentary can quickly gain weight. 

Children should have a balance of activity through playtime, gym class at school, walking, and less time playing video games and watching television. Unfortunately, obesity can also be a socioeconomic factor as it tends to affect more children who live in under-sourced and poor communities. 

Children dealing with depression may use food as a crutch. Therefore, if a child is dealing with problems at home or feels isolated at school, they may emotionally eat to fill a void.

A healthy diet is essential to a growing child as they need nutrients to develop muscles, bones, teeth, and hair and meet development milestones. When children have a diet of fatty, starchy foods, it is easy for them to gain weight while also not getting the nutrients they need for more energy. Fatty and sugary foods can make children feel sluggish, which makes it harder for them to be active.

Why Intervention Matters

Early intervention for childhood obesity in Pasadena, TX, as obese children are much more likely to become obese adults. Obesity can cause several chronic conditions that can impede and even decrease lifespan. Children can develop high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, and even arthritis due to excessive weight and high blood sugar. They can also become prone to certain cancers.

You want your child to have a good quality of life and being at a healthy weight is part of that. When dealing with childhood obesity in Pasadena, TX, you need a caring pediatrician like Dr. Bejarano. Give your child the intervention they need and call AFB Pediatrics at 832-386-9200.

AFB Pediatrics


3326 Watters Rd., Bldg D,
Pasadena, TX 77504


8:00 am - 6:00 pm


8:00 am - 6:00 pm


8:00 am - 6:00 pm


8:00 am - 6:00 pm


8:00 am - 6:00 pm





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